The freedoms within (ask me about what I mean)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Walking on dry land through the dark and light

Chains of events are seriously amazing. Something happens, and then you meet someone, and then they show you this place that you find this awesome song at that you show to another person that inspires them to change that begins to go to some lessons who asks the teacher a crazy question that changes the teachers view who teaches someone else it then that person has crazy mid life crisis and the only thing holding them strong is that one get it.

In the midst of all that craziness there is definitely going to be downs that will descend you to places you've never ever fathomed of before. You'll want to rip your eyes out and loose everything then be where you are...

That's where the whole concept of Ein Od Milvado plays in-everything G-d does has it's purpose no matter how crazy and unfair and life-changing it is. It's something you have to always have in the back in your mind in order to preserve your sanity.

One more thought-I spent Shabbat in the Old City and it really was an awesome experience. Living in an area where the Jewish people used to have their center of worship. There was also a serious sense of unity. The surrounding communities are arab communities, that of course will create-Jews and arabs creating-tension. Every Jew has a sense of being there for each other since they are under the eyes of maybe hatred, terror, or inhumane thoughts. But besides that, you can really feel the community vibe in the air.

One cool lesson I got out of it was from this super cool rabbi that recently just cut off his dreads and found the beauty in Judaism. He brought up this weeks parsha and the miracle of the sea splitting. It says, and they walked on the dry land through the ocean-instead of walking through the ocean of the dry land. Basically this means that they didn't need the actual miracle to feel the intensity of the, just because G-d isn't really splitting the sea in front of us, we should really see the miracles in our daily lives of things that happen to us on a daily basis..

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