The freedoms within (ask me about what I mean)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

the burning connection

Theres nothing more that I want than to remain in Israel. I've never felt so connected to a place before. I mean yeah, I love FLorida because I love being surronded by the ocean, and and I love traveling and seeing old buildings that have countless amounts of stories..but literally, I feel a magnetic pull to the earth everytime I am here.

These trips to Israel like birthright, TJJ, summer programs, etc. are amazing, but truly, the only way to truly experience the land is to be here for a minimal one year..which is barely enough. Theres so much to see, so many people to talk to, and so much to feel as you walk the streets of this historic country.

Just as a flame burns upwards, my soul itches to be higher and higher and to unite with the ultimate oneness.


Justin said...

Wonderful! with Grandma and Grandpa right now we love you

RabbiMelinda said...

Darling ~ life will show you oneness more easily in Israel, however it is truly everywhere if you choose to connect to ALL of whom you are!