The freedoms within (ask me about what I mean)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Life!

New years.

I cannot express this thanks I have to G-d for giving me what he has given me this year. I try everyday during the Amida to thank Hashem so much in the 'modim' prayer. I bow and close my eyes and smile every time and say all the words with sincere heartfelt expression. I can't beleive that I finally got the chance to turn the leaf back over; I got what I always craved.

The past five years have consisted of new years nights celebrating the right to party. I found clubs, yachts, cruises, and house parties to have some un-remembered moments with some friends. This year, I'm going to be in the Golan Heights, northern Israel, with a new group of amazing people. At 11 PM we are going to have some sort of learning, and I imagine singing that is going to lead me in the right direction for 2011.

I hope everyone gets some sort of inspiration this new years. If not from this, maybe from something else you encounter. Ein Od Milvado-everything Hashem does is intentional, and I hope you see the beauty in that statement.

Happy new year everyone, I'm glad I'm wishing my self a happy new life!

1 comment:

RabbiMelinda said...

BH, my baby on your CHOICES! I look forward to hearing about your revelations, your inspirations and your shining story!

♥☮ שָׁלוֹם ॐ
