The freedoms within (ask me about what I mean)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It's so interesting how everything I;ve learnt so far in my Jewish classes, are truly relevant to life today. I can learn and learn and learn about stories that will give me an inside insight in life..and apply it to my everyday actions!

We learned about the story of Rachav...a woman 'innkeeper' who at first was a prostitute, then eventually ended up helping the Jewish people, and marrying the prophet Yehoshua. She was compared to the Jewish people as she wandered (as the Jew's wandered in the desert) in life, and then eventually returning to G-d.

Basically I said this because if a prostitute can return to Hashem, then so can anyone, especially me.

Were going on a three day trip to Tzfat this weekend..and I'm aiming for one of those spiritually high experiences people get when their in the cities presence..I'm especially exciting for a pre-shabbat 'hour of silence' where we are going to sit by ourselves and just think silently and then yell really loud. We'll see what happens!

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